AmigaOS3.5 (349/967)

From:Thomas Sj�lin
Date:12 May 2000 at 00:03:36
Subject:Re: Screenmode problems

Hi Neil

On 10-Maj-00, you wrote:

> Have you tried running Picasso96Mode and re-creating screenmodes? It
> sounds like your DEVS:Picasso96Settings file has been moved or corrupted.

I can look into this. Not that I know how to recreate screenmode but I can
find out. A little to lazy to read docs :)

> What gfx system were you using on this partition before you installed P96?
> The P96 docs say that you should uninstall any other gfx system (such as
> CGFX) before installing P96.

I have always used P96, it was also installed when I bought the machine.
The problem occured sometime around upgrading to 3.5 or that I upgraded P96
to 1.something. Don't remember the version number. I just can't remember
exactly when I discovered it.

However, I could try to uninstall it and install it from scratch again. I am
a little reluctant to do that though, since it is quite a pain to set every
screenmode up again to fit my monitor. (viewpoint 17")


Thomas Sj�lin

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make it shorter.
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